Kappa Alpha Alpha Chapter marches in 2025 Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Parade
Kappa Alpha Alpha Chapter marches in 2025 Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Parade
By Bro. CPittman
January 25, 2025, Decatur, GA - Recently, KAA brothers of Omega Psi Phi Fraternity, Inc. and other D9 members were among hundreds who marched in the NAACP Dekalb County Branch’s 23rd annual Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Parade outside the Mall in the city of Stonecrest, Georgia.
The new Dekalb County CEO Larraine Cochrane-Johnson, along with other community leaders, spoke and uplifted this Stonecrest community during the Parade symposium. And clearly, the NAACP County Branch members were key coordinators, producers and marchers. Other key marchers included the elected County officials such as the District 2 Commissioner Michelle Long Spears, Superior Court Clerk Debra DeBerry and team, and Stonecrest Mayor Jazzmin Cobble.
This year’s theme: “Still I Rise,” highlights a fundamental aspect of Dr. King’s legacy, who is the most important leader of the Civil Rights era and perhaps the most significant, most admired hero and political figure in American history.
Other key parade participants included: The Cross Keys High School Marching Band, Save Our DeKalb County Animals (SODA), Jakequeline “Jake” Walls with Freedom Riders van, Gabrielle Rogers and team with the DeKalb Section of the National Council of Negro Women (NCNW), Ashley Triplet the Ultimate Pageant Ms. Georgia, Top Ladies of Distinction (TLOD), The Stonecrest Garden Club, The Dazzling Gems Majorettes, Conservatory of Dance, and the 100 Black Men of DeKalb County, Inc. For this event, the KAA Chapter brothers were led by Basileus Tim Roberson, Vice Basileus Clint Raines, and SAC chair Bodae Vogt.
Some in the City of Stonecrest may feel troubled during these challenging materialistic modern times because of modern issues that appear to be the same past issues. However, the synergistic vibes felt and seen on this Parade Day among residents of different cultures, skin colors, and ages strongly illustrated traits and skills towards actively narrating a more quality lifestyle for now and the immediate future.