DeKAAtur Ques Feast with Friends

Feast with Friends: A Thanksgiving Initiative

By Brother C. Pittman and photos by Brother Bodae Vogt

November 23, 2024, Decatur, GA - On the weekend before Thanksgiving 2024, the DeKAAtur Chapter Ques partnered with Frontline Response to provide a feast to a community unhoused population. The brothers provided tasty grilled turkey meals, approximately 100 bags of clothing, hygiene essentials, and other resources to the current residents at this homeless shelter. 

Frontline Response is a Christian-based non-profit organization headquartered in the heart of Atlanta, which finds itself “on the frontlines every day rescuing individuals out of the darkness of sex trafficking and homelessness while preventing children and other vulnerable individuals from falling victim." This organization also has developed a prototype for outreach, rescue, and emergency safe housing in the fight against sex trafficking that is sought after nationally. And, Frontline Response has provided training to law enforcement, fire departments, emergency rooms, and judges; helped lead anti-trafficking efforts around large events including the Super Bowl in numerous cities; and advocated for state legislative and policy changes that have seen Georgia rise from the grade of a “C” to having the 4th best laws in the nation, according to Shared Hope International

Also, at this shelter, DeKAAtur Ques Brother Basileus Tim Roberson identified a young struggling black dad and his precious 5-month-old daughter who were temporary residents. After others listened to dad’s heart-wrenching story, KAA brothers’ industrious minds and monetary contributions collaborated to seek out a better home and source of income for this family. As a result, successful productive arrangements transpired over the succeeding days. 

This Thanksgiving initiative led by Brother Bodae Vogt the Chapter SAC chair along with the advice of Brother Vice Basileus Clint Raines is grateful for the support of Allison, Brother Vogt’s wife; Sgt McClelland with the Dekalb County Police Department; Lea Ayers, president/CO founder of small business Pups and Pumps (Handlers against Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault); and KAA Brother Chris Herans, owner of BYB Solutions (mobile BBQ grilling).

It must be mentioned that on this same day, the DeKAAtur brothers with the help of Gregory White, a manager, along with other Frontline Response staff members, canvassed a nearby apartment complex and gave out a few more turkey meals. Overall, this Feast with Friends Thanksgiving initiative brought some uplift to lots of community residents.